Voices of Indian Country

Native Hope Blog


The issues surrounding Native American Education

Usually, back-to-school season means excitement for children. Back to school means buying school supplies and new clothes for the school year, plus the benefit of seeing their friends again. However, ...


Topic: Community Outreach

March Hope Report

March was filled with giving hope and sharing love with the various community members and tribal organizations—partnering to helping those in need. In response to COVID-19, multiple trips to the local...

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April 3, 2020



Recovering addicts, "It doesn't have to be a life sentence..."

“The effect it [drug court] had on me was it opened my eyes to reality, because it [meth] wasn't only hurting me—it was hurting my family,” shares Jason Goodface, recovering meth addict and Lower Brul...

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March 31, 2020



InvenTeam grant positively impacts Lower Brule community.

Tribal School Wins MIT Grant Lower Brule High School, Lower Brule, SD, received a $10,000 InvenTeam grant from Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT]—not only are they the first South Dakota reci...

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March 17, 2020



Does basketball provide a sense of inner peace and purpose?

It never took much effort to find a game of basketball on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. If the weather was decent, all you needed was a ball and a hoop. When the sound of the ball slapping the pa...

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March 13, 2020



February Hope Report

Thanks to donors like you, February was filled with giving hope and sharing love. Native Hope was able to assist with various community events and worked with local organizations to help those in need...

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March 3, 2020



January: In the Field with Native Hope

In addition to sponsoring J. Dakotah, sex trafficking survivor, for 5 local audiences, Native Hope donor funds new van for patients in need.

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February 6, 2020



December Events Raise Awareness and Strengthen Community Ties

Our community outreach efforts in December were the highlight of our holidays! Thanks to the generosity of our supporters and the work of other local organizations, Native Hope was able to provide gif...

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January 14, 2020



Living to Tell: A Sex Trafficking Victim's Account

While this article was originally written and published in 2016, its contents are still relevant, today. In fact, according to Business Insider, "Since 2007, more than 49,000 cases of human traffickin...

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January 9, 2020



Growing Strong Together: Horses Inspire Healing for Native Youth

Native Hope collaborated with the Growing Strong Together founder, Shane Avery, Santee, Nebraska, and youth participants to tell the story of the strength Native youth are finding from the Horse Natio...

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December 18, 2019



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