Voices of Indian Country

Native Hope Blog


The issues surrounding Native American Education

Usually, back-to-school season means excitement for children. Back to school means buying school supplies and new clothes for the school year, plus the benefit of seeing their friends again. However, ...


Topic: Community Outreach

He is a Runner, He is a Warrior

It is still dark when Waylon rises. As the first rays of sunlight peer over the hills, he ties his shoes, adjusts his headphones, steps out into the dusky morning. He runs mile after mile, reflecting ...

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June 23, 2020



Making miracles and providing hope for children and families

If adults think navigating COVID-19 is a challenge, imagine the view from the eyes of a child. Think of the sweeping changes in their routines! Every household, every community, every state, every cou...

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June 17, 2020



May Hope Report

In our April Hope Report, we described the food insecurity many tribal nations face. COVID-19 has amplified the need for assistance in Native communities, especially now. When schools closed for the s...

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June 5, 2020



Fellowships for a better tomorrow in Indian Country

Who determines what is important to Indian Country? The People. Often, organizations and donors drum up ideas to “create change” to “move the needle.” They sit around a table and hash out how to be im...

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May 29, 2020



Water warrior from the Navajo Nation

It is crazy that in a time which demands distancing, the most vital of connections are made. Thank you, Facebook and Facebook Messenger, for without you, we may not have connected with Zoel Zohnnie, f...

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May 20, 2020



Native Hope's Fellowships for 2020-2021

Native Americans built their communities on the idea of “mutual support” and friendship. For centuries the Native tribes of this continent survived on networking, not only by living in harmony with ea...

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May 17, 2020


1 Comment

April Hope Report

What is needed? Simply stated, security. Security comes in many forms: food, cleaning supplies, diapers, masks. Security means that needs are met. That is what we have been working on this month, with...

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May 14, 2020



A Mother's Day tribute: My matrilineal strength and the creative path

Before my earthly arrival, my grandmother, mother, and closest aunt were set in their unique passions. Being born into a life surrounded by strong female role models. I, like many Diné young women, gr...

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May 10, 2020



Native American reservations in South Dakota brace for the coronavirus

COVID-19 is blasting minorities and underserved populations at an alarming rate. One member of the Crow Creek Indian Reservation in South Dakota remarked that if COVID-19 hits, it will “spread like wi...

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April 24, 2020



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