Voices of Indian Country

Native Hope Blog


The issues surrounding Native American Education

Usually, back-to-school season means excitement for children. Back to school means buying school supplies and new clothes for the school year, plus the benefit of seeing their friends again. However, ...


Topic: Education

The Fire Within Her

For 28 days it burned. Swallowing cords of word, the flame became a member of the tribe, a confidant to prayers, and promise of renewal. It was fed by stories of hurt and despair. Day after day, the f...

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January 25, 2018


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Two Worlds, One Journey

Each of us has a unique story to tell. Our journeys are colored with varying experiences and upbringings, often shaped and molded by some aspect of our different cultures. For some of us, we have very...

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January 12, 2018



A Spark—Alexus Little

“I’m doing something. You can do something. Be a light for everyone else around you,” encourages Alexus Little, a member of the Cherokee nation who lives on the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe reservation in ...

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January 5, 2018



Hold On

At Native Hope we are on a journey to offer tangible hope to our Native American communities. We want to equip Native people with the tools and resources they need to overcome the struggles and obstac...

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December 21, 2017



A Portrait of Hope: Jaime

Imagine your belief system, identity, and family all being stripped away from you. Imagine an entire culture being traumatized and the effects of that trauma being carried over from generation to gene...

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December 7, 2017



Keeping Culture Alive

Culture equals identity. When a culture disappears, so does its people. Many of us fail to realize what that would mean for us, for our families. Think of the family recipes, the customary songs and d...

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November 30, 2017



Native America: The Untold Story, Part 2

Many of us are aware of the serious challenges facing Native Americans today. However, do we really understand just how critical the situation is? This is a part of America’s story that is not often t...

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November 20, 2017



Native America: The Untold Story, Part 1

America’s untold story of the Native American culture is vast. It begins long before Columbus discovered a “new land.” In fact, it is believed that some 10-15 million, some believe up to 60 million, N...

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November 16, 2017



The Power of Hope

Throughout history, countless individuals have found the strength to rise up in the storm and add their voice of hope. Hope. It’s such a simple word, yet it holds the key to so much power and redempti...

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November 9, 2017



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