Seizing Opportunities to Educate Others

Feb 24, 2018 | Native Hope

On Tuesday and Wednesday, February 20 and 21, Native Hope was given the opportunity to speak at a Rotarian Event and at the ImpactHub in Boston, MA, respectively. Launching her fellowship program, Nikki Lowe spoke with an ambassador for Native Hope. In attendance were members of Boston area Rotary clubs, members of the North American Indian Center of Boston, Impact Hub members, and other interested individuals.

Nikki shared her story of perseverance while Native Hope's Ambassador talked about life on the reservations in South Dakota and offered insights into the historical trauma that the there people have endured.

There’s a cry for social justice

Stirring in the hearts of many, this cry is sounding, yet it’s a cry that is only just starting to be heard. The truth of the injustices suffered by Native Americans can be unsettling, but it needs to be told.

Real people desperately need help

“So many people do not know! They honestly believe that reservations are a thing of the past.  I am doing my part to tell my circle.” – Native Hope supporter in attendance at the event

On Wednesday, our team toured Harvard University and met various individuals who work on campus to dismantle barriers for indigenous students and create learning opportunities for Native youth each summer. We were able to tour the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard which houses exhibits for various indigenous tribes of both North and South American including others from around the world.

Nikki played her flute surrounded by artifacts of her people: the Chickasaw, Cree and Seminole.  Both Nikki and the ambassador from Native Hope visited with people eager to ask questions and learn more about their heritage.Dezbah Yuchi Storm

Collaborating to create change

Native Hope believes that a collaborative effort with creative, respected, and relevant Fellows, like Nikki, will inspire a positive impact and dismantle barriers for unheard Native voices. By upholding high standards and encouraging the use of creative wisdom to reach goals, a clearer understanding of Native cultures, perspectives and journeys will advance and spread across the nation.

But we can’t do it without YOU. With your support we can dismantle barriers and inspire hope for Native voices unheard. Give hope and change to the next generation of Native Americans.