Voices of Indian Country

Native Hope Blog


The issues surrounding Native American Education

Usually, back-to-school season means excitement for children. Back to school means buying school supplies and new clothes for the school year, plus the benefit of seeing their friends again. However, ...


Topic: Community Outreach

December Hope Report

Giving fills the heart with warmth. This holiday season, Native Hope experienced the immense generosity of our supporters and partners. Their joy of giving allowed us to provide toys, food, clothing, ...

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January 7, 2021



Holiday Hope Report

Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever. -Roy T. Bennett The COVID-19 storm wages on. Relatives, on and off reservations, are battling the virus in high numbers—many need s...

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December 6, 2020



September Hope Report

All relatives living on Unci Maka (Grandmother Earth) continue to endure the effects of COVID-19. On reservations, many do so on slim resources. We continue to assist those in need with groceries, cle...

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October 11, 2020



August Hope Report

Along with the heat, August delivered several opportunities to support our relatives on local reservations and in schools. While COVID-19 has altered many of the typical August festivities around the ...

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September 15, 2020



July Hope Report

July brought sounds of happiness and sights of joy for our team, volunteers, and communities. We spent the past 18 weeks making new friendships and establishing valuable bonds—bonds that will extend w...

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August 9, 2020



COVID-19 Increases Food Insecurity on Reservations

Did you know 1 in 4 Native Americans experience food insecurity? It’s true. Unfortunately, hunger and malnutrition are very common on America’s reservations. Statistically, “households of Native Ameri...

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July 22, 2020



June Hope Report

“To focus on anything has been hard. I have been beading, fishing, mowing—even other people’s lawns, just to keep my mind off of everything [COVID-19],” shares Lower Brule community member and mother ...

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July 8, 2020



[COVID-19] destroying bonds between tribal communities and families

In a time when we say, “We’re all in this together,” those who are affected by COVID-19 don’t always feel that way. “There is a lot of fear and anxiety because everyone is shut in. Those who have it [...

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July 2, 2020



Fellowship and Native American Leaders Today

Native Americans built their communities on the idea of “mutual support” and friendship. For centuries the Native tribes of this continent survived on networking, not only by living in harmony with ea...

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June 26, 2020



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