Voices of Indian Country

Native Hope Blog


Native American Fashion: Cultural Appreciation vs Cultural Appropriation

Fashion is a language, a signal that tells others who you are and what you represent. However, the fashion industry has for centuries exploited class, race, gender, and the products used in its creati...


The Past, Present, and Future of the Navajo Nation

With a rich history and a unique culture, the Navajo Nation is one of North America's most celebrated and well-known native tribes. They were at the center of many conflicts and events in the 19th and...

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September 28, 2022



On the Ground Efforts to End Sex Trafficking

This August, we returned to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally to raise awareness of a very serious issue happening at an alarming rate: sex trafficking. Our goal is simple: zero trafficking victims during t...

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August 11, 2022



Hope Report: June 2022

In June, Native Hope continued its outreach and assistance efforts to different communities throughout South Dakota. Thanks to you, Native Hope continues to create a meaningful impact on the individua...

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July 10, 2022



The Six Grandfathers Before It Was Known as Mount Rushmore

Part II in a series of articles that attempt to give more perspective into the truths our history books are avoiding.

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July 4, 2022



Hope Report: May 2022

May was another busy month, bringing awareness to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives and fulfilling needs. Thanks to you, Native Hope continues to create a meaningful impact on the individuals ...

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June 12, 2022



Hope Report: Spring 2022

"Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!” - Sitting Bull As spring arrived, March and April were...

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May 24, 2022


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Hope Report: February 2022

Thanks to our generous supporters, February was filled with giving hope and sharing love. Native Hope assisted with community events and worked with local organizations to help those in need.

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March 15, 2022


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The History and Culture of the Cheyenne Tribe

One of the dominant tribes on the Great Plains, the Cheyenne people have a rich and storied history. As one of the largest and most influential tribes on the continent, they played a major role in sha...

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March 6, 2022



Self-Injury Awareness Day: Before the Cut Is Too Deep

Teenagers love to express themselves with shocking hairstyles, unique makeup, and eccentric clothing. This is why the signs of self-mutilation escaped my eye until it hit me full in the face with the ...

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March 1, 2022



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