Voices of Indian Country

Native Hope Blog


Native American Fashion: Cultural Appreciation vs Cultural Appropriation

Fashion is a language, a signal that tells others who you are and what you represent. However, the fashion industry has for centuries exploited class, race, gender, and the products used in its creati...


Native Hope

Recent Posts

Wandering Warriors: The History of the Blackfeet Tribe

Throughout their history, the Blackfoot people have endured hardships and celebrated victories. Their story is one of fierce fighting and dedication to culture and tradition, even in the face of great...

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May 21, 2023



Recognizing Native Organizations on Native Nonprofit Day

RECOGNIZING NATIVE ORGANIZATIONS ON NATIVE NONPROFIT DAY Native American communities have a strong tradition of unity and support, advocating for the progress and well-being of all Indigenous peoples....

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May 12, 2023



Celebrating the Power of Native Women and Native Mothers

The Legend of the White Buffalo Woman One summer a long time ago, the seven sacred council fires of the Lakota Sioux came together and camped. The sun was strong, and the people were starving, for the...

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May 12, 2023



Native connection to Unci Maka–Mother Earth

For Native Americans, every day is Earth Day. Traditionally and culturally, it is the duty of Native Americans to care for Unci Maka (Grandmother Earth). “We are the land ... that is the fundamental i...

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April 21, 2023



Sexual Assault: A Horrifying Reality for Native American Girls

The following post contains mature themes and references. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Imagine growing up in an environment where it is only a matter of time before you experience some sor...

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April 10, 2023



Courage and Convictions: The Legacy of the Choctaw Nation

The Choctaw are among the most vibrant and fascinating Native American tribes. Their rich and diverse history was fraught with oppression, cultural assimilation, and forced emigration—including the Tr...

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March 12, 2023



Celebrating Native Women

March is Women's History Month, and March 8 is International Women's Day, so we wanted to highlight inspiring Native American women who have impacted the world around them, both past and present. The ...

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March 7, 2023



What Happened to the Apache Tribe?: The History of the Apache Nation

The Apache Nation has an interesting and resilient history. From decades of wars, unfair treaties, and the fight to keep culture amid repeated assimilation attempts, the Apache honor their ancestors t...

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February 12, 2023



Hope Report: October, November, December 2022

Thanks to you, Native Hope continues to create a meaningful impact. The past three months have been filled with many smiles as we continue our important work. "Thank you for your help with Christmas g...

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January 20, 2023



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