Voices of Indian Country

Native Hope Blog


The issues surrounding Native American Education

Usually, back-to-school season means excitement for children. Back to school means buying school supplies and new clothes for the school year, plus the benefit of seeing their friends again. However, ...


Topic: Community Outreach

In The Field with Native Hope

Our team has been busy the past few months attending various events out in the field to inspire hope for Natives and teach the youth the importance of values and education. Continue reading to see wha...

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July 27, 2018



Capturing the Heart: Healing Through Art and Story

At Native Hope, we work every day to empower and strengthen Native American youth. We know how many challenges they face—from abuse, addiction, and hunger to trauma and a lack of job opportunities in ...

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June 29, 2018



Creating Space to Tell Stories: The Lakota Dream Museum

“I knew growing up that at some point I was supposed to be the things I learned in the stories: compassionate, honorable, and brave, and so forth. I knew this because the storytellers lived the lesson...

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June 21, 2018



Breaking Barriers: Honoring the Children

“Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children.” - Sitting Bull Native Hope prides itself in working to empower Native Americans in a multitude of ways, and this spring,...

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June 1, 2018



Seizing Opportunities to Educate Others

On Tuesday and Wednesday, February 20 and 21, Native Hope was given the opportunity to speak at a Rotarian Event and at the ImpactHub in Boston, MA, respectively. Launching her fellowship program, Nik...

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February 24, 2018



The Native American Identity Crisis and the Rise of Suicide

Our nation is a melting pot of ethnicity, culture, and belief systems from around the globe. We encourage each other’s differences and seek to embrace uniqueness and expressions of individuality. Howe...

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February 1, 2018



A Spark—Alexus Little

“I’m doing something. You can do something. Be a light for everyone else around you,” encourages Alexus Little, a member of the Cherokee nation who lives on the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe reservation in ...

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January 5, 2018



Keeping Culture Alive

Culture equals identity. When a culture disappears, so does its people. Many of us fail to realize what that would mean for us, for our families. Think of the family recipes, the customary songs and d...

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November 30, 2017



The Power of Hope

Throughout history, countless individuals have found the strength to rise up in the storm and add their voice of hope. Hope. It’s such a simple word, yet it holds the key to so much power and redempti...

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November 9, 2017



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