Voices of Indian Country

Native Hope Blog


Native American Fashion: Cultural Appreciation vs Cultural Appropriation

Fashion is a language, a signal that tells others who you are and what you represent. However, the fashion industry has for centuries exploited class, race, gender, and the products used in its creati...


My relationship with Native American Boarding Schools

Nine children started their final journey home on Wednesday, July 14, from Carlisle, Pa. They made several stops along the way for prayer services. On the evening of July 16, they reached their destin...

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October 3, 2021



Hope Report: August 2021

It is vital to the Native Hope team to live and work honoring all Lakota virtues of life, and we invite our donors and supporters to be mindful with us. The Seven Lakota Values, given by the White Buf...

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September 12, 2021



Story of Hope: Starr Chief Eagle

"If you go to the top of a mountain, you can see [the horizon line] — here is the balance between the earth and the sky. Here they meet. Point your finger to the horizon and follow it," Starr Chief Ea...

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September 3, 2021



Hope Report: July 2021

July brought Native Hope and the surrounding communities many opportunities for outreach and flourishing connections. The team traveled nearly 1,500 miles around the state to attend fellowship events ...

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August 12, 2021


1 Comment

Sioux Native Americans: Their History, Culture, and Traditions

The Sioux are one of the largest and oldest Native American tribes in North America, dating back three thousand years. With a territory that spanned thousands of square miles at the peak of their stre...

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August 1, 2021



The Tradition of the Powwow

The Native American culture is a living, breathing entity. It is a tapestry of tradition and values passed on from generation to generation. One tradition that exemplifies the love of family and commu...

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July 25, 2021



Chief Crazy Horse: The Red Man has Great Heroes Also

Resting high above the treetops of the Black Hills (Paha Sapa), sacred lands of his people, a monument of Crazy Horse (Tȟašúŋke Witkó), legendary Oglala Lakota warrior, acts as a sentinel and symbol o...

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July 18, 2021



Hope Report: June 2021

Let’s label June: Fellows’ Catchup Month. COVID-19 directly impacted the Native Hope fellows and their hopes for their fellowships. However, throughout June, several of our fellows started their long-...

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July 11, 2021



Reclaiming Sacred Places: No Longer Harney Peak

Andrew Jackson, James Monroe, Ulysses S. Grant, Andrew Johnson, Jefferson Davis, Franklin Pierce, Phillip Sheridan, Abraham Lincoln, and James Polk were among the contemporaries of William S. Harney, ...

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June 13, 2021



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