Voices of Indian Country

Native Hope Blog


The issues surrounding Native American Education

Usually, back-to-school season means excitement for children. Back to school means buying school supplies and new clothes for the school year, plus the benefit of seeing their friends again. However, ...


Topic: Education

The Cangleska Wakan, Sacred Hoop, was the first Medicine Wheel

Our beliefs represent the core of whom we are. They convict us, guide us, and enrich us. The Lakóta, Dakóta, and Nakóta people are rooted in a heritage of values and beliefs passed on from their ances...

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April 20, 2017



Join us in the Circle of Hope!

Native Americans today are facing serious challenges as a result of events that happened almost seven generations ago, when our culture and way of life were almost completely destroyed. When such deva...

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April 8, 2017



The Voice of a Generation: Bobbi Jean Three Legs (Part 1)

#NoDAPL (Dakota Access Pipeline) and “Stand with Standing Rock” have become rallying cries for the next generation of American Indians. Yes, it is about the water, “Mni Wiconi” (Water is Life), but be...

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February 20, 2017



Treat the Earth Well: Native Americans Respond to DAPL News

Native Hope’s vision continues to focus on empowering Native Americans and being an extension of their voice, their culture, and their convictions. Last week, as most of us know, President Trump issue...

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February 2, 2017



Breaking News: Trump Signs Executive Orders Advancing Pipelines

Breaking news: President Donald Trump signed executive orders Tuesday advancing the controversial Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines. "If we're going to be building pipelines in the United St...

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January 24, 2017



Preserving Cultural Identity

The vast plains of South Dakota are home to a total of nine reservations and designated tribal land areas—more than any other state. It’s estimated that the combined population of these reservations i...

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January 19, 2017



Portraits of Hope: Jordan Marie Brings Three White Horses Daniel

Jordan Marie Brings Three White Horses Daniel is passionate about her people. A member of the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, KUL WICASA OYATE, and the granddaughter of Nyal Brings, (to read more about Nyal ...

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December 22, 2016



Standing Rock: A New Fire Has Been Lit

A new fire has been lit at Standing Rock. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe (Hunkpapa Oyate) found its voice in mainstream media peacefully protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). On April 1, 2016, ...

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December 19, 2016



Nyal Brings: The Early Years

I don’t remember when I met him. Some people we meet, and others, we just know. Nyal Brings was one of those people whom everyone in our community just knew. He was known as “that runner who beat Bill...

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October 13, 2016



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