Tiyospaye: The Heritage of Lakota Family

Apr 24, 2017 | Native Hope

The heritage of Native Americans is rich in community and family bonds. In the Lakota culture, the word tiyospaye encompasses the conviction that family is not only made up of immediate blood relatives, but also extends to all those within their tribal clan. The Lakota saying that best describes this belief is, Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ el lechangleska wichoni. The translation is, "We are all related in this circle of life." The abundance of family is the measure of your wealth and creates the very foundation of one's life. 

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Tiyospaye embraces the beauty of living in harmony, taking care of one another, and trusting each other. Your tiyospaye will support you throughout life’s journeys, whether the road is rocky or the path smooth. For the Lakota, you are not only a member of the family through birth, marriage, or adoption, but your family extends far beyond to include the whole Lakota nation. Throughout history, whenever the Lakota would travel somewhere, they could expect to be welcomed and supported as if they were in their own immediate family.

Family is something we all need throughout life. The ability to depend on one another is priceless. We would like to invite you to become a part of our tiyospaye, The Circle of Hope.

The Circle of Hope is a community of people who are boldly standing with Native Americans and committing to invest in their future by giving monthly to support vital programs for at-risk youth, sexual assault victims, education, and the cultivation of cultural heritage.

Your support helps fund important programs. For as little as $5 (or more) per month, you will be investing in resources and services that empower a young generation of Native Americans to seize a brighter future.