Portraits of Hope: Emme

Dec 6, 2016 | Native Hope

Emme is a young Native American with a passion for preserving the arts of her culture. As she pursues her goal to become an Art History or Classics professor, she interns at the Akta Lakota Museum at St. Joseph's Indian School, a Native Hope partner. 

"I feel that what I am doing is important because both Art History and Classics is so overlooked and not deemed as important. These are the roots of our history, and with art we preserve that history and culture, whatever it may be. My job is to quite literally maintain the meaning of our Native American Contemporary Art and recording it for our archives and future generations. I have that privilege, and I am so thankful to be given that opportunity."

Emme explains the impact Native American art has by inspiring hope in many different ways. "With Native American art there is symbolism, history, culture, politics, spirituality, philosophy, myth and academics. Native American art inspires hope because it says that we are here. We are strong, intelligent, thriving, and we can do anything we set our minds to, because we are here."